انجليزي الصف الأول الثانوي ترم أول منهج 2020م
Unit 2 Supporting the community
Lesson s 3 & 4
الرجاء انتظار ظهور المشغل
يعمل سويا | work together | |
يختفي | disappear | |
يتمنى | hope | |
مذهل | amazing | |
منظمة | organization | |
حراس الأسود | Lion Guardians | |
مقره في | based in | |
قريب أو مجاور | nearby | |
هدف | aim of | |
محلي | local | |
ماشية | livestock | |
يقلل | reduce | |
قتل | killing | |
ماشية | cattle | |
يتوه أو يضل الطريق | go missing | |
قصة نجاح | a success story | |
مفيد | useful | |
يهاجم | attack | |
يقلل بشأن | worry about | |
تغيير | change | |
يعمل مع | work with | |
يوظف | employ | |
مهارات | skills | |
يراقب | monitor | |
حركة | movement | |
مجموعة حفلات | parties | |
علماء الأحياء | biologists | |
روح كذا | sense of | |
مسؤولية | responsibility | |
يتبع أثر | track | |
معلومات | information | |
يتأكد | make sure | |
صيادون | hunters | |
بالإضافة إلى | as well as |
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الرجاء انتظار ظهور المشغل
يعجب بسبب | be admired for | |
القدرة على | ability to | |
يحرز أهداف | score goals | |
يصل لهدف | reach (achieve) goals | |
يرسل أو يؤهل | send Egypt to | |
يمدح بسبب | be praised for | |
يتبرع للخير | donations to charity | |
يتبرع بمال لـ | donated money to | |
تعب طويل المدة | a long-term illness | |
يتبرع بالدم | giving blood | |
فوائد صحية | have health benefits | |
يفحص ضغطه | have pressure checked | |
يلهم | inspire her to | |
عمل رائع | amazing work of | |
مقره في | based in | |
لديه المهارات | have the skills | |
يحمي الماشية | protect their livestock | |
يهاجم بواسطة | be attacked by | |
الرغبة في | desire to | |
يعطي فرصة | give a chance to | |
نموذج أو قدوة | be a role model | |
يطلق عليه - اسم شهرة | give nickname | |
حول العالم | around the world | |
يشارك في | take part in | |
اليوم العالمي للتبرع بالدم | World Blood Donor Day | |
يصاب بشدة | be badly injured | |
نقل دم | blood transplant | |
لديه مشاكل صحية | have health problems | |
ينقذ أرواح | save lives | |
يسمع عن الأسود | hear about lions | |
يعمل مع | work with | |
احساس المسؤولية | sense of responsibility | |
هدف كذا | the aim of | |
يقلل عدد | reduce the number of | |
يقلق بشأن | worry about | |
يتوه أو يضل الطريق | go missing |
الرجاء انتظار ظهور المشغل
to respect and like someone because they have done something that you think is good |
admire | |
the force with which blood travels through your body | blood pressure | |
a strong hope or wish | desire | |
to give something, especially money, to a person or an organization in order to help them |
donate | |
is willing to give money, spend time etc, in order to help people or give them pleasure |
generous | |
the ability to learn, understand, and think about things | intelligence | |
the amount or degree of something, compared to another amount or degree |
level | |
continuing for a long period of time into the future | long-term | |
someone whose behaviour, attitudes etc people try to copy because they admire them |
role model | |
to move an organ, piece of skin etc from one person's body and put it into another as a form of medical treatment |
transplant |
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